
You don’t know me that well. My mad face and my happy face are the same.

Few weeks back I gave a big presentation at work, struck such fear into the hearts of co-workers that the big boss man approached me today with countless tales of contrition and so many apologies for the accidental single-sided print job. After years and years of clean air, clean water, hazardous wastes, I am just now truly making a difference. Dare to dream, kids, and be scary.

Awesome setlist last night... #blocparty

Last weekend I found myself in Baltimore, hon, and bore witness to quite the improbable comeback. It's a city for which I have very little love, excepting of course the presence of a dear one, who despite best laid plans I did not get to see. I always find it unsettling, and a little sinister, to be in someone else's city surreptitiously. Maybe it's because I love my own so much that I can't help but feel as though I'm breaking and entering, rifling through drawers, eating leftovers from the fridge. And that's sort of what I did, actually, a little breaking and entering (bars), rifling through (my boyfriend's) drawers, drinking vodka from the (mini)-fridge. All told it was nice, but I was happy to get home.

This weekend should be markedly different. I plan to actually pick up a book (and read it!), and hopefully utter not a single word to another human being until Tuesday morning. I've accidentally become addicted to Spooks so there will be many an episode to watch, I'm sure. Except oh shit, I forgot the Inauguration is Monday. So strike all that; I'm going out drinking. And it starts tonight, when Tom Poti finally makes his return to Washington. The last time we spoke I made him vaguely uncomfortable when for some reason It's not like I'm a creepy stalker or anything came out of my mouth. We'll see what the flask of whiskey hidden in my bag makes me say later. It'll probably be really scary.


  1. Nothing screams 'WHISKY CHUG' like watching a genuinely decent guy officially initiate another round of voluntary ass pain. Also, Obama's inauguration.

    (In the past, I've felt bad for Capitals fans AND some of their players.)

  2. Ooh, what book are you going to read?
