

Multimedia message

I haven't been sleeping again, a direct correlation I think to the decrease of tonic in my daily routine. More than a year without insomnia and here I am again, square one, and if you think this would give me ample time to write again you'd be very much wrong indeed. Again.

Regarding history I've decided to neither rewrite nor relive it, and despite being a student of such have mostly succeeded in forgetting it (tabula rasa and all that). But despite the clean slate one thing haunts me still. On New Year's Eve my coat was the only coat stolen from the coat check, and now here I am in the middle of winter without a coat. They say we make our own luck but as a student of they, I can tell you without doubt they lie.


  1. Having a coat stolen sucks. Was it the puffy coat that was your favorite purchase of the year?! Because if it was, that sucks extra hard.

    I pretty much don't believe anything that they say. I mean, what do they know? I'd need to see some citations before I accept their word.

  2. I'm not sure, but I think MG! just shattered the foundation and structure of Wikipedia with her second paragraph.

    Also, "New Year!" (I omitted the 'happy' due to the stolen coat)

  3. mg! - thankfully it wasn't my puffy coat, but it was my nicer one. i guess i can take solace in the fact that it's been unusually warm this year. le sigh.

    justin - you may be right, though so is mg! as i recently read on wakopedia that paul reiser is dead, and i'm fairly certain he's not. new year to you too!

  4. I have never believed, "You make your own luck". What a crock of hooey.

    I want to know who "they" are. "They" are wrong a lot!

    Sorry about your coat.

  5. Aw, man. That is a nice coat.

  6. Bastards! Seriously, that WAS a nice coat.

    (I haven't been sleeping so much either. Bleh.)

  7. someone returned my coat! yay!

  8. I hereby insert the "Happy" into my previous "New Year!"

  9. Happy new year. New coat anyway? That would be my plan of attack.

  10. sadly it will have to wait until next year. no coats in my size left.

    happy new year, you.

  11. Coatless in January sucks. Coat found = good, so long as they returned it intact and not stinky.
