
You were the one-two punch.

Daily things are lost through no fault of my own believe it or not; it’s just the way it happens to happen to me. Were I to tell you the story of my life it would be one of loss, and in no way as satisfying as this here cup of coffee, purchased from the lovely Italian woman downstairs for two dollars even. But here’s the thing about losing stuff: it ain’t always a bad thing. Especially when the thing that got lost wasn’t really all that good for you anyway.

I’m sure there’s a story in there somewhere, but storytelling isn’t in my particular bag of tricks.

Back-to-back babies are being followed by back-to-back weddings, and lo have my thoughts on both matters been mixed. There’s a certain amount of patronization that enters the conversation, a you’re not invited to the clubhouse insinuation that creeps up, especially in those already desperate to prove they’re better than me.

I think you know who I’m talking about.

But anyway, the first baby was unremarkable, except as Seth said, its head wasn’t misshapen or squashed in or anything. Small miracles, I guess. Mostly I’m just sad that the babies I’m actually knitting for don’t live closer. Then there are the weddings to look forward to, a pair that I’m actually looking forward to very much indeed. I’ve been promised fake mustaches at both, not to mention the board games and Backstreet Boys songs and, oh yeah, the booze. Truth be told I think my interest in alcohol is waning, for no good reason I think than I need a change of pace. I don’t know why, though; yesterday at a bar I met a man who had a positively encyclopedic knowledge of both professional and college football. And thanks to the powers of alcohol, I got to have a 30-minute conversation about the undefeated 1998 Tulane University football squad. How often can one say that?

Answer: not very.


  1. I don't know much about babies, but I think a non-squashed head is the way to go.

    Also, there will hopefully be Backstreet Boys AND Nsync songs. And possibly NKOTB, but I don't know, I'm trying not to control freak the DJ BUT IT'S SO HARD.

  2. When one of my college friends got married the NUMBER ONE DJ request was that he play "I Want It That Way." Like, it was SO IMPORTANT because that was OUR SONG in college, and duh, of course we NEEDED to hear it at the reception.

    The DJ did not play it.

    There was a riot.

    What I'm saying is, you should control freak the DJ. Or, if you want, Abigail and I will do it for you.

  3. That's awful! I have no worries about our DJ playing what we ask, seeing as how she's one of Joe's BFFs. But I also remember how much fun it was in Philly to bribe the DJ to play Don't Look Back in Anger* (even if I was too drunk to remember the words by the time he played it), so if you want to control freak, please feel free. Heh.

    *also on the must play list

  4. Just wanted to say hi. Hi! I owe you an e-mail to re-plan our Beck date. :)

  5. you do! but no worries; you get a little leeway what with school starting up and all :)

  6. OK... I don't know when exactly I stopped checking this site routinely, but obviously it was waaaaaaaay the hell too long ago! The bright side: I've whiled away a lovely morning catching up on your past few entries I'd not seen before. And now, I'm having a fit of missing you like crazy.

  7. i've a feeling far more stories are of loss than of gain. we're better defined by the things we had before than the things we'll have in the future, perhaps? glad to see you writing again, kat.
