

Things I could buy with $150,000:
  • Shoes for the homeless.
  • 300 heifers, 1250 sheep, or 7500 ducks.
  • Job training and therapy for veterans.
  • New textbooks for our public schools.
  • 6 Toyota Priuses.
  • Approximately 30,000 square meters of South American rainforest.
  • Equipment to help young girls start their own businesses.
  • Cancer research.
  • Food and vaccinations for animal shelters.
  • 150,000 cans of Campbell's soup for the soup kitchen.
  • 6000 manatees.
  • Daycare for working single mothers.
  • HIV/AIDS education in Africa.
  • 4166 trees to offset greenhouse gas emissions.
  • College tuition for a couple deserving kids who couldn't afford to go otherwise.
  • An entire freaking new home in the Lower 9th of New Orleans.
Or, you know, a $3000 Louis Vuitton handbag FOR MY SIX-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER.


  1. Everytime I think about this, I just get so mad.

  2. i cannot fucking wait for this election to be over.

  3. Oh man - I love this post. It's absolutely absurd. grrrr

  4. yeah, i could have gone on and on and on, but sadly i have work to do.

  5. This makes me growl-y. But it also makes me laugh. Because it seems too absurd to be true. Yet it is! Hahahahahasomebodyholdme.

  6. it's almost over. dear lord, it's almost over.
