

Wait, wait, wait. More importantly, who is this Kathy person you keep talking about?

Last night (this morning? are we still awake?) Heather! Anne! kicked our asses SO HARD at Sorry!, and to add insult to injury knocked a bottle of beer RIGHT INTO Mystery Girl!'s lap. Abigail! and Jennie! did tequila shot after tequila shot, and much to everyone's chagrin DID NOT take their tops off. (Well, Abigail did, but only a little.) And then! Heather B.! Ate a slice of my world famous punkin pie. All after listening to "Don't Stop Believing" like, what? Seventy times?

I am the luckiest blogger of all the bloggers.


  1. It's a little upsetting that none of you girls has once even alluded to pillows.

  2. I needed a pillow after we stayed up all night.

  3. That pumpkin pie was amazing.

    And I don't mind a little Journey when there is dessert, beer and Pacman involved.

  4. I have a new profile picture.

    That is all.

  5. Damn. I love Sorry AND Journey. And drinking. I wish I'd been there.

  6. i don't think i've ever laughed so hard or had more fun in my entire life.

  7. So I was thinking about Heather's question. The one about if you could travel through time, would you go to the past or the future? And I've changed my mind about going to the future because I want to go back to Thanksgiving Miracle Weekend.

  8. it was, truly, a thanksgiving miracle.

  9. I kind of wish I lived in DC. :)

  10. Oh, girls' night in! Oh, the tequila hangover! So much fun! I, too, wish I had been there.
