His wide mouth parted awkwardly, revealing broad rows of yellowing teeth beneath a long, sloping nose.
"Um, hi?"
I should have just walked away after the inauspiciousness of our introduction, but all bad decisions have a beginning, and that beginning is usually in not knowing when to quit. And on this particular night, I was just getting started.
There's a ghost sifting through these pages. I like to imagine it winnowing the wheat from the chaff, but the truth is I have no idea whether it is friend or foe. More often than not this space feels like reading shadows on the wall; am I watching rabbits run or peregrines soar? Hunted or hunter, if you can't tell, is there any difference?
Well, whomever you may be, if you're on my side this story is not for you. But maybe I'll write you one some day.
Things I loved:
ReplyDelete"Hunted or hunter, if you can't tell, is there any difference?"
and especially this, which is so true: "all bad decisions have a beginning, and that beginning is usually in not knowing when to quit." Or in my case, always, knowing when to quit but not listening to my gut for whatever reason.
I want to know the rest of the story.
You met William Dafoe?
ReplyDeleteI like your birds-on-a-wire. (Noticing for the first time.) They look musical.
Sometimes I wish I didn't have a way to see who was looking at my blog. Although, most times I forget so it's kind of a moo point.