
J is for journey.

You are a traveler, a nomad, just like me. This is probably the only thing we have in common, as different as we are in both personality and temperament. You are quick to react, reckless, driven by anger and greed; I am overly analytical, calculating, dispassionate and cold. But we share the urge to roam, to push, to move, and I can only imagine the feelings of inadequacy that must overwhelm you as you try to live up to expectations, to fit neatly into the box carried from the last generation. You’ve never in your life struck out more than a two-hour drive away, frustrated by the strangler fig’s grasp. But this is what I’ve learned, this secret I share with you: the box in which you try to live is not sacred. Make your own box, or better yet, live outside one.


  1. you know what? i'm a-gonna listen to journey RIGHT NOW.

  2. but very useful for shipping things.

  3. Journey!! Living inside a box is waaaay overrated, unless that box contains Jake Gyllenhal and the soundtrack is by Steve Perry.

  4. whoa. i think jennie's head might explode if she reads your comment, shari.

  5. Yeah, so where can I find this box?

  6. Sir, I thought you said boxers were stupid and I was very upset. Good thing you didn't say that.

  7. I don't know Abigail - Mike Tyson is pretty dumb.

  8. I meant the dogs. Why can no one read my mind?

  9. whoa. i thought you meant the shorts.

  10. Yeah, I thought you meant underwear.

  11. Yeah, I thought you were talkin underwear, too (it's your birthday...you can talk about underwear if it brings you joy). Dog boxers are A-OK and underwear boxers are just OK, but boxer BRIEFS, well now, that's where the magic lives.

    And by "magic" I mean "junk".

  12. Oh man... substituting "junk" for "magic" in my head has caused my head to explode now. Just the lyric revisions alone are enough to kill me. This is your fault, Sir.

    (Although, boxer briefs ARE best.)
